Besok tanggal satu
Banyak yang sedang menanti detik-detik kehadirannya. Bersorak-sorai menyambut kembang api dan terompet, aroma makanan, panggangan roti, keju, jagung bakar, dan nyanyian tengah malam. Saya masih membisu, masih dengan gaya duduk manis menatap layar.
Hari ini saya masih masuk kerja seperti biasa, walaupun sore tadi agak kewalahan dengan sibuknya operasi. Namun, Alhamdulillah akhirnya selesai juga. Sore harinya memang agak sedikit berbeda, kantin sebelah kiri agak sedikit berpesta pora dengan makanannya. Mata saya pun melirik lagi ke kantin sebelah kanan, oh ternyata menu malam ini merana. --“ kemudian saya putuskan untuk makan di luar saja, di salah satu warung serba ada di desa dekat asrama. Sembari menikmati sajian, mata saya mencari senja, senja dimana? Bersembunyi tak berwarna. Tertutup awan yang menggumpal di angkasa.
Malam pun tiba, masih seperti biasa di kamar c dua satu tiga. Hanya suasana dunia yang agak sedikit berbeda, karena para manusia sedang menanti bergantinya masa. Sebelum ini itu ucapkan selamat tahun baru doaku untukmu semoga bahagia dalam langkahmu, sehat lahir batin selalu. Tak usah menunggu jam 12 malam untuk melihat kembang api tahun baru, bangunlah di satu per dua malam dimana rahmat Tuhan mendekatimu. Ya, besok tanggal satu. :)
1000 lebih beberapa kata
Cuti saya akhir tahun ini saya habiskan di rumah, bertemu orang tua, keluarga, sahabat dan kucing peliharaan saya. Makan masakan Emak, jamur tiram goreng, mengelilingi kota kelahiran, berhujan-hujanan, berlari-larian dan tertawa tanpa alasan. Saya menelpon teman-teman, mengirim sms kepada mereka memberitahu bahwa saya di rumah. Namun tanggapan yang ada terkadang tak sesuai yang kukira. Panggilan telpon saya yang mereka angkat menunjukkan seperti mereka tidak ingin diganggu dengan hadirnya panggilan saya. Sms yang kukirim hanya mendapat jawaban seadanya, sesingkatnya. Saya sudah tahu demikian jadinya, namun saya masih saja bodoh dengan tetap membuat panggilan telpon dan sms.
Setiap bangun tidur, saya selalu berharap akan ada panggilan tak terjawab atau sms di ponsel saya dari orang –orang yang saya cintai. Walaupun hanya ucapan ‘selamat pagi’ dan sebuah ikon smile . Namun yang saya dapat terkadang hanya pesan teks dari operator yang mempromosikan program terbarunya. Saya hanya berharap dan tak meminta, namun bila itu terjadi pada saya itu sudah cukup membantu mencerahkan mood hari saya.
Sejak setibanya saya di tanah kelahiran setelah berpisah dari rumah cukup lama, mata dan pikiran saya agak sedikit terbuka tentang dunia. Tentang prinsip, belajar, kerja keras, kesederhanaan. Namun akhir-akhir ini mata dan hati sedikit buta, serasa hilang arah, tak tahu kemana melangkah. Mungkin karena saya tak tinggal di kota atau karena wajah saya tak sering terlihat dan membuat kalian lupa. Maka kalian datang dan pergi seenaknya. Saya suka cerita, senja, dan bahagia. Apakah kau lupa? Hiburlah saya sedikit saja, bukan karena manja. Itu karena cinta hidup yang kupunya membutuhkan hadirnya kalian. Mungkin benar ucapan sahabat saya, saya terlalu sibuk mengisi kekosongan orang lain sehingga membuat orang lain terlupa untuk mengisi kekosongan yang ada pada saya. Yang mereka anggap, saya selalu penuh dengan bahagia. Kesepian yang ditutupi dengan tawa, kesedihan yang ditutupi senyum simpul seadanya dan rasa kecewa. Saya tahu, hidup terkadang menunjukkan taringnya saat setiap orang sibuk dengan segala kegiatannya, hingga terlupa dengan orang sekelilingnya. Hidup memang kejam, mati pun merajam. Tak ada yang lebih menghangatkan saat kebersamaan datang dan sebuah senyuman. Kemarilah jangan tinggalkan saya sendirian, hidup sepertinya lebih mudah jika kita bergandengan tangan.
Tahukah kau? Sebetulnya Saya ini pengemis bahagia, yang hari-harinya dihabiskan untuk membahagiakan orang sekelilingnya, memberikan tawa tanpa makna, senyum tanpa rasa, rasa cinta dan hadiah. Yang kerap kali terluka saat mendamba untuk mendapat rasa bahagia dari sekelilingnya. Saya ini pejalan kaki yang setia, yang tiap harinya setia berjalan membawa luka yang tak seorang tahu luka apa. Saya tamu yang tak terduga, yang suka datang ke rumah-rumah yang pintunya terbuka, yang suka bercerita kepada pemiliknya tentang saya dan aneka warna. Saya ini penunggang kuda besi jalanan, bermain dengan kecepatan yang terkadang terjatuh karena angkuhnya, saling memotong kendaraan di jalan raya hanya sekedar untuk berkunjung ke kotamu, bertemu denganmu, yang berangkat pagi dari rumah dan siang sampai di tempat kerja di beda kota.
Sering orang berkata, perkataanku sulit dicerna, dimengerti atau mungkin diterima. Karena aku tak pandai berkata-kata. Jawabannya Iya! Tidak ada yang ditutupi-tutupi, itulah adanya. Antara otak dan mulut, saya rasa ada saraf yang tidak sinkron barangkali yang menyulitkan untuk menggambarkan rasa lewat kata. Berkata pun terkadang terbata-bata. Sedari dulu saya sudah menyadarinya, maka dari itu saya lebih suka mendengarkan daripada bicara atau menuliskan kata-kata dengan pena. Bukan berarti tak bisa berbicara, saya bahkan bisa berbicara dalam tiga bahasa.
Orang pendiam mungkin akan memilih diam dan tak berkata saat kegundahan menimpa dirinya, saya tahu wajah-wajah yang sedang murung, gelisah, ceria, bahagia ataupun berduka. Mereka tak berkata pun aku sudah tahu perasaan mereka lewat raut wajah dan binar-binar matanya. Aku pun begitu, tapi kenapa orang lain harus diam? Saya bahkan membenci hal tersebut. Cukuplah saja aku, yang menjadi pengecut dalam diam yang tak berani berkata saat kegundahan datang. Yang lebih suka menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri dengan caranya sendiri. Yang memendam masalah dan rasa dalam hati, hingga terbayang dalam tidur. Yang menatap ke langit-langit saat malam menjelang, pikiran melayang, dan mengambang. Saya suka manusia periang, yang tersenyum lebar dan yang membagi keceriaan. Berkumpul dengan orang-orang tersebut membuat isi kepala saya lebih lapang. Duduklah disampingku saatku diam, ajaklah aku untuk berkata, lemparkan senyum. Jangan diam saat aku diam. Batu juga diam, karena kamu bukan batu.
Saya pengingat masa lalu. Ungkapan yang terucap, kenangan yang ada, orang-orang masa lalu, wajah-wajah rupawan, rel kereta, layang-layang, sepeda mungil, burung perkutut, sungai kecil, jalanan sempit dan senja yang merah. Semua aku ingat dengan baik. Sosok yang sangat aku benci pun masih lekat dalam ingatanku dengan baik. Ingatan saat pertama masuk sekolah, seragam putih merah, putih biru, putih abu-abu hingga lulus sekolah, coret-coret seragam dan sertifikat kelulusan semua kuingat dengan jelas. Memang benar kita tidak bisa menghilangkan jejak masa lalu dari bayang-bayang diri. Hari kemarin adalah masa lalu. Yang kita punya adalah hari ini, hari ini dimana kita masih bisa bernapas dengan lega, memandang dengan luas, bergerak dengan bebas, berbicara dengan lantang, mendengar dalam hening, menyentuh dalam asa, saling melempar senyum dengan indahnya.
Terlahir sebagai lelaki adalah anugerah terindah yang pernah ada, menjadi kebanggaan orang tua, yang bisa diandalkan saat dibutuhkan. Mengantar Emak ke pasar, mengangkat sayur, memindahkan meja, membersihkan halaman, belajar dan bekerja itu semua adalah karunia Yang Maha Kuasa. Tak terhitung berapa banyak anugerah yang dilimpahkan-Nya. Saya hanya berusaha dan berdoa dalam sosok sebenarnya, memohon agar Tuhan selalu berkenan memberikan rahmat dan cinta kepada Emak saya dan seisi penghuni rumah. Dua puluh tahun sudah hidup di dunia, mulai dari gendongan Emak, merangkak, berjalan, hingga berlari. Terjatuh dalam lubang, cipratan lumpur, mandi salju, tergores luka, menangis hingga berdarah. Terbanting dan terhina semuanya sudah dirasa. Jejak kaki pun tak terhitung jumlah, entah berapa puluh ribu mungkin bahkan jutaan jejak kaki saya tersebar di permukaan bumi. Entah di bagian mana saja, saya pun lupa. Jalanan di depan masih menunggu dengan sabarnya. Menanti kehadiran saya untuk melaluinya, entah medan macam apalagi yang disuguhkannya. Yang pasti, memutar arah dan berlari dari serbuan masalah bukanlah sifat saya.
Sedikit aneh mungkin, saat kau membaca isi blog saya. Mulai dari kumpulan cerita yang biasa yang saya anggap luar biasa. Kegiatan yang membuat hilang rasa saat kau membacanya, sajak-sajak yang tak beraturan, atau susunan bahasa inggris yang tak kau mengerti apa maksudnya. Namun sekali lagi,itulah isi pikiran saya yang tertulis rapi yang setiap saat bisa kau baca. Pembaca yang setia, sebaiknya saya segera mengakhiri ketikan ini. Maaf sudah berbicara yang tak jelas lagi. Pikiran saya sudah agak sedikit lapang setelah menyelesaikan postingan ini. Terima kasih. =)
I was fall down with you!
Sunday, on eighteen december, afternoon. I have date with my girlfriend. Actually that day is my second night shift, well cause date is date and I need to meet her. Then i decided to meet her. After finished work, then i took slept for more less three hours. In the day, I had a lunch. Then? Here we go, I’m so viable to meet her. Last time I met her on september when Idul Fitri. You know guys long distance relationship should be date regulary right? or other people will, :D
After took some preparation then I started engine, while listening mp3 player, I through first twelve kilometers part. I like to call it “twelve kilometers part” cause this way is bad road that I have ever through. The road is made by mud and stone, there is no smooth road like in high road. I always take more pay attention anytime I through this road, but however that day was my accident. My tires got slip then...gubbraaakk! I was fall down! You can imagine, I was fall down in the middle of jungle and nobody through this road. Well, i must take my own step to bring BYSON’s body out of Me . After that happened, I still attend my date with my girlfriend although just met for fifty minutes with all pickup conditon. Then I go back to home cause at that time weather quite cloudy, seems like heavy rain come soonly.
Next accident also happened to again! When I through Muara Enim City there is one bend that i could not control, suddenly I press brake but tires still run out from the road, and then??? BYSON fall down kissed the curb. And me, bounced from motor for five meters. Oh God, that is madness. I could say this is my mistake, could not control the speed and road. Forgive me. God rebuked to always carefuly during riding and safety first. Fortunately i still alive now. :) So yesterday, I gave one day just for fix and do some maintenance of Byson. Whatever guys, pray before ride and keep safety riding are the most important before you ride with your belovely Motor. Ya, finished, Happy holiday! ;)
He is 8 years old now.
I took BoKei from my niece’s home when he was 6 months. At that time I was first grade of Junior High School, 2003. He has black and white colour, so cute! :D at the first time, he felt so fear with me. He even don’t want to stay in my home. He was run away from home for one week. I felt so dissapointed actually, i love him but he don’t want to stay with me. So i try to find out, where is he. Then i found him, he stay in my neighbour house. Then I decided to bring him back to home. After that he want to stay in my home although still feeling shy with me. After a few weeks he can adapt in a new environment.
Many mouses was killed by him, he is good hunter 8) . He never eat mouses that he killed, when he catched the mouse and he killed it he put mouse in front of main door of home. So messy actually but it nice! Now there is no mouse anymore in my home. :) Not only mouse but also other cat nearby feel afraid with him, :D What a great cat! ;)
Year by year he grown up with all his ability, sometimes I saw him flirt with tabby near home. And then, he has many kitten. :D
In the evening when I’m sat on the chair seeing dusk, he approached me while spoiling then he also sat beside me. Together we see dusk. I love that moment.
I still remember one moment, when I leaved him almost one year. Followed training in China last year, either me and him missed so much. However when I finished training and back to home, nice to see him again. :)
Sometimes i wonder if he could talk with me, when I got depressed, stress even mad. I always told to him. He is a good friend, more than my girlfriend. That’s true. My cat really understand me although he could just say “mew, mew”. Anyway when Me and him are met I feel so comfortable.
Well, he is my beloved pet. BoKei, 8 years old. If you have a pet, we can talk each other and share experience in this blog. I’ll wait your post. ;) Thank you!
Note in birthday note
My Birthday
September, 9, 2009
I began my job training on early July until last september. The same experience with last year, when I have intership in PT.PERTAMINA one year ago. I celebrated my seventeen birthday in Prabumulih. Now I will celebrated my birthday also in Palembang, simillar, far from my hometown, far from my parents. Let me tell you about my eighteen birthday in Palembang.
After celebrate Independence Day of Indonesia on August 17th, five more days my birthday coming soon. At that time I feel so curious. I don’t know, what happened to Me in my birthday later. Finally, my birthday already. Although, I’m far from hometown, far from parents, no girlfriend, no someone but I’m still happy because my birthday also the first Ramadhan or fasting month. It makes me proud of my birthday. At that time, I never stop say thanks to God, I wish to God become a happy, lucky, and has a bright future and also I achive and achievement. I hope so. My friends in dormitory don’t know that I celebrated my birthday at that time. I feel just so so, no special. Because I don’t want showing my birthday to others. It’s my style, always conceal everything.
Finally, after I have celebrated my birthday at 18th. I follow the daywith thousand assignment and study. Don’t worry life is challenge. As a tough guy, I must face it. Happy fire!!!
And the behind piece of my essay my teacher Ms.Yessy was wrote a comment about my essay.
"thanks for the journal, Kudo
Great essay!!!
If you have a problem with your vocabulary, please check the activity in work book lesson 5 you can see answer at the back pages where you can find the key. :) "
Do you know why Ms.Yessy called me Kudo? Actualy when we were followed english training my nickname is “Aguskudo”, Kudo is one fiction character in comic. Full name is Shinichi Kudo, i think all of you know the story. So i just add Kudo as my nickname, what a confident, hehe.. :D
An Engine Cover
As I wish, I bought some engine cover for him. I think it could be better if he is wearing it. Here we come, i brought him to the workshop in my hometown. Firstly, the mechanic choose one of engine cover which is match with his body, style and colour. Then, they are going to take out the old engine cover, and begin install the new engine cover. Secondly, they made some hole in the engine cover and install some bolts. Whatever it must be clean absolutely.
Thirdly, they are going to finish install it. I supervising them carely, I will not let them make any scratch in his body, hehe.. really, i love him so much you know! :D A few minutes later, the new engine cover was installed successfuly in his body. He is getting awesome than before. Love it! :)
Anyway, that’s one of my reward to him cause he always accompanied me during this year. Hey BYSON, we will through a new ride with different road. Here we go!
I walked, ran, fell and then stood up again
I smiled, laughed and cried and wiped tears
I'm happy, in love, broken hearts and the hearts bloom again
I see day and night with a wistful eye
I sat and stared at the threshold of space
I felt the wind blew fast
I’m dreaming and feeling upset
I hear voices roaring I do not know what to do
I'm tired at the end of the evening
I still can not sleep when night comes
I, thought, feeling, perception and affection
Bengkulu Vacation
I took a leave for four days, so last time I’m so lucky actually. With four days holidays that I took plus my rest shift, it’s almost one week holiday. So that, I can celebrate Idul Adha in my home, gathering with my family and my friends. I was prepared everything for my holiday. One day after Idul Adha, on 7th Nov we got to go. We got travell almost one day, we went on 08:00 am and arrived in Bengkulu on 04:00 pm. What a tired day. Huuuft.
Arrived in Bengkulu, we check-in in the hotel nearby for one night. We bocked two rooms, one for me and another one for My Mom and My sister. We have a rest first after through a long road. In the night, unfortunately Bengkulu City got Blackout. Oh My God, a beautiful city became a black city, so dark guys! Well, we could not take a around for culinary. So we just bought some food and dinner in Hotel.
On 8th Nov in the morning, we bocked a Car which can guide Us to get around in Bengkulu City. Then we went to Our Family’s house first as suggested by my Mom. According by my Mom explanation, She said it’s been long time She did not visit this City after 25 years ago. So, my Mom miss a lot with our family in Bengkulu. After met with my family and put some our luggages there, We begin to travell in Bengkulu.
For the beginning, we visited “Rumah Bung Karno”. That’s one of local Tourism usually visited. Bung Karno is the First President of Indonesia who ever stayed in Bengkulu when He got isolation during Colonial era on 1938 – 1942. His house is unique I think, I like his house. The size is not big but that house had a large yard so when you come you think this is a big house, big Indonesian flag fluttering in front. Nice house. Inside room, we can see there’s a old bicycle which always ride by Bung Karno at that time. Many books arranged tidy in bookcase. And also many his photos displayed on the wall.
Then We dicided to visit the “Pantai Tapak Padri”, yeah that’s the moment I wait. Do you know, when I was in Elementary School one of my friend said to me “Hi Agus, how was your holiday? I went to Beach in Bengkulu with my family, we spent our times there”. Then I just to My friend, “Wow, great! I spent my holiday with My Mom help her sell the food in Traditional Market”. I am envy him so much at that time. I must wait 20 years old just for see the beach, touch the sand beach, swim in. So weird, but that’s one fact of Me :D. I put off my clothes, and swim in the sea! That’s AWESOME moment that I ever have after saw snow fall from the sky. Then i realized, WATER SEA IS SALTY.. :D
Finished swim in “Pantai Tapak Padri” continue our travell, we went to Mega Mall, Traditional Market and have a lunch. In the noon, we went to “Jami’ Mosque”. Jami’s Mosque is one of Ancient Mosque in Bengkulu City which standstill until now. So we took pray there. After that we went to “Pantai Panjang”. Here We go, we spent our time in Pantai Panjang until wait for the sunset. We talk each other, my Mom tell me a lot about her story when My Mom were stayed in Bengkulu. It was awesome. We are seeing the waves, blue sky, so comfort. Someday I want to visit Bengkulu one more time, that’s unforgetable moment for me. However, I am so proud I can bring my Mom visit Bengkulu city again and together seeing the beautiful beach of Bengkulu. :)
When i was in Senior high school, I still no have a money to buy a camera. What a pity! (-_-)“ so, I alway borrowed my friend’s mobilephone, to take some photos of me. That’s what real happened to me. I really feel shy to telling to you, hahaa.. :D
Then, one day God granted my wish, I have enough money to buy one digital camera. I’m so happy. Thank you so much God. :) now, wherever I go, I always bring my digicam. I just want perpetuate each moment that I have in one photo. So, anytime I can see that photo. For me, each photo that I have storing own memories inside. Nobody will know about that photo, if I could not tell it.
So guys, have you take photo today? ;)
130 KM
Get slept after work in the morning, then i woke up 01:30 pm. Take some food, for lunch. Prepare my music player, safety riding, and not forget to pray. :) everything has prepared well. It’s time to ride.
I got through one hundred thirty kilometers from my power plant to my best friend’s home. During the riding, absolutely feeling so happy. While listening music in my mp3 player, i saw many vehicles passed me. Even the coal truck got suck, crashed the one house, skipping the holes in the road, smoke, machine roaring and many else. In my mind, i just leaved all my busyness in work place.
That day was cloudy, when i was ride i felt not so hot cause the sun covered by clouds. I arrived in Palembang city on 05:00 pm, almost three hours ride my BYSON. Arrived safely. Yeah, you know Palembang is crowded city, traffic jam, and wow! Tired but wonderful. I think my BYSON should have a rest also, cause tomorrow me and my best friend will get around in city.
I’m staying in his home, we spent our time to get around in Palembang city, visit Ampera Bridge, Benteng Kuto Besak and other places after that took some photos. At that day, i was so happy. Then, we went to one of small restaurant “November 12”. Yaah, that’s one of favourite restaurant. I like their foods, the taste is compatible with my tongue.
After spent almost two days in Palembang, gathering with my friends I go back to nature, hehe..back to jungle again I mean, :D begin to work like usual. So guys, how was your holiday? Cause my HOLIDAY is EVERYDAY! ;)
How to love women
She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters?
She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh,
cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart.
So don't hurt her, and don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give.
Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there.
-Bob Marley
3 Months With You, BYSON!
After graduated from senior high school on 2009, I wanted to find a job. I was a freshman at that time. I just graduated then i started to work. I accepted in one of Company, then begun follow the training in other Country. In other Country, when i took my first salary I want to make my dream comes true, every month when i got salary i always save my money only for to buy a motorbyke. Unfortunately even almost one year saving money for buy a motorbyke, my money is not enough. At that time my money pocket or we called salary during training is only enough for buy goods or things. Yeah, you know training is study time we are not work yet. So the Company just give little money for us. After much thinking and make a plan for my money, I decided to use my money for buy a gift and manythings that I can’t find and buy in my Country. However, after I finished my training and then back to my Country I gave many gifts to my family and my friends. They were so happy. Nothing make me happy except seeing my family happy with me. We got a long holiday after arrived in Indonesia. Then we begun to work on september last year, since we become a Worker, each month i save my money to buy a motorcycle.
Yeah, I optimist i can buy motorcycle next year. I study and work so hard, then i browse on internet find the information about my motorcyle which always be my dream every night. On June 2011, my motorbyke standing in my home. I did it! After waiting for a long time and saving money each month finally i can buy it with my own money. Many thanks full to God, said Alhamdulillah. I’m so happy. That motorbyke is Yamaha BYSON. One of product Yamaha Motor Indonesia, which issued since 2010. But on june 2011 i can buy it, hehe.. it must be need a perseverance and effort to get it.
Since I have a BYSON, it’s so useful. I can pick my Mom go to market, go to Mosque for pray, bring me to office for work, go back to to my hometown, visit my family’s home, pick up and get around together with my girlfriend, so many activities i spent with my BYSON. Getting 3 months ride my motorbyke, i hope i can use it and ride it in good way. So i can help someone who needs my BYSON’s help. No matter, BYSON is strong enough and easy to ride. He is my streetfighter. Now, you see in parking area you’ll find one of the motorbike is mine.
Many thanks full to God again, never stops to giving the greatest blessing in my life. In this time, I realized I can’t buy that motorbike without any effort, perseverance, hard work, and pray. It might be easy thing for other family, buy the motorbike like this. But for me, that’s beyond my imagine.
Yeeah, i’m one of worker in power plant, we are working in shift time. Our holiday is randomly. So, i just do what i can do in idul fitri moments, in the morning i went to mosque which nearest from power plant then praying. After that, many villagers invited me to come to their home halal bihalal and just for talk each other, cause they knew we can not celebrate idul fitri in home. They treat us like a family, we ate some food, cake, etc. I feel so happy.
In the noon, i go back to dormitory cause i have evening shift. Idul fitri moments feels so short. Then, i just call my family and friends. I hope next year i can celebrate idul fitri with my family. :)
Paint Your Life!
Just now finished my daily activity, washing my shoes, clean the room and praying. After finished take a pray just now, i have an idea to write something. So, now i’m seating on my chair with a cup of coffee. Ok, here we are. I’m going to tell you about my little secret. ;) what’s that? Let’s continue reading!
Everyone was born with all abilities and uniqueness, what then it depend on them whether they want to learn it more or not. However, I’m the one of them either you. :) actually, we can do anything as long as we believe we can do it. Take for example, when I was kid. I was cross in front of house which had a big dog. At that time, I don’t know if that dog is so fierce. I just walk, what’s next? That dog, suddenly bark and try to catch me up! WOW, I was scared! I just run a way, avoid that dog. I’m finding a big tree and climb it up. After that, that dog still barking and waiting for me to go down. Fortunately after 5 minutes, the crazy dog was leaved me. Huuft, finally. Then I realized, what a big tree! How height I’m now while laughing loudly, hahaa.. :D Yeah, at that time time I’m the good Runner and Climber! Amazing.
You see? Even I’m kid, but I can climb up the big tree that cannot be climb with other kid at that time. That was happened cause I believe I can run away from that dog and focus for my escape. Trying to climb up that big tree. So guys, you can take a conclusion from my little story when I was kid. :)
Ok, when we take a look back our story many years ago. We are people with fully happiness. Did you still remember, when you playing a kite, playing toys with your mates, hide and seek, or maybe when you playing drama like a police and bandit. You know, actually you have a lot of strategies to win that game. Although you have lost that game but you are happy! Have you realized that? That’s because you do it with your heart. So, take your strategy and happiness when you was kid. Then, you can face all problems that you have now. If you feel difficult to make your strategy, set in your mind, you can do it! Then, you can find the way to face it.
Just like me, I was born with all my problems, start from problem in family, work, education, communication, relationship, money, and many things. But I enjoy it, I prefer to find a solution than think to much about my problem. Think smart!, my girlfriend said like that when I got stuck. :)
Then I decided to make a new hobby in order to make a focus and feel happy everyday. The problem as if walk a way from me. Here I wanna tell you about my hobbies. First, I’m not Guitarist but I can play a song with my guitar, when a feeling lonely I just grab my guitar seating and start to play guitar while singing, laa laa laa laa.. :D
Second, I’m not Cameraman but everyday when I found a good scenery I shot it with my camera, and make a new photo collection in my album. Anyone to be my model? :)
Third, I’m not Racer but I can ride my motorbike freely. Ride my motorbike from my home to my work place. I ever make a good escaped from raid in the high way, awesome! 8)
Fourth, I’m not a good Swimmer but I can swimming in a pool and river, during holiday I usually swim with my friends in a swimming pool. So splashing. ;)
Fifth, I’m not Translator but everyday I always make a good translate with other staff in my company. You can let me to teach you learn mandarin, then I will teach you without any payment. :)
Sixth, I’m not Gamer but I have many games in my computer. I like to play game with speed and strategy, such as, Need For Speed, Counter Strike, Call Of Duty, SWAT, etc. I just play it when I have spare time.
Seventh, I’m not Writer but I like to write in my diary and in my blog. Which that you reading now. :)
Make a new hobby and new activity that’s my solution to face the problem everyday. It’s also one of my secret that you should to know. When you feel happy, you will feel problem looks like delicious food that you can eat as much! ;)
So splashing! ;)
Wow, i almost forget that i have blog account, hehe.. :D i’m so busy, so that’t why i have no enough time to write article in my blog. Here i want to tell you about my last weekend (it’s not weekend actually) that’s national holiday on june 2nd, coincidencely that’s also my shift rest. So i decided to go back to home.
Well, in the national holiday some of university also follow that holiday. Some of friends also back to home, how happy i am. I can gathering with them again. ;) although my shift rest not take a long time, just for one half day, but i can make it so usefull. :D
On 2nd june, in the noon i invited them to swimming. Unfortunately some of friends doesn’t want to swimming..they said cause the weather is not good, it’s cloudy means going to rain. Huuuft, but no matter. Then just two my friends want to swim with me. Yeah, actually i really don’t want to cancel my schedule cause it’s selldom for me get a chance to gathering like this.
Then, on 04:00pm we are going to swimming in the small swimming pool in my hometown, Bukit serelo swimming pool. After get the ticket, take off the t-shirt and then..byuuuuur, so splashing. hahaha.. :D everyone laughing and happy, however it can reduce a little bit my stress in my job.Next time, i hope i can swimming like this with all my friends, hmmm..maybe in the next holiday or maybe in the next chance.
So guys, what about you?
Let’s begin!
It was on 25th february, since they arrived in our power plant until now almost two weeks. They are new employees, new comers, most of them are come from same senior high school, so i feel happy cause i have a lot of friends which has same hometown and senior high school with me. They started and following training in the site. Let me tell you about their activities during training in our power plant.
Everyday in the morning, we have marching exercises. We start it by warming up first then pronounce the discipline regulations after that running for 6 km. You can imagine how tired Us everyday, our skin getting black, sweating and our shoes full of mud. When some of them got wrong command during marching exercises i ask him to take positon, and take some push-ups. In order to make him, be brave and be strong to admit their mistakes. And then, we take some a few minutes to take a rest and drink some water. After that, we continue the training until 11.30 am. Then, that’s the lunch time.
Everyone is happy although we’re sweating, shoes full of mud, and tired. I trainee them strictly to make them more discipline and can work in our power plant well, have a good a cooperation, work team, good ability, and especially for their attitudes.
Well, hopefully our power plant will be finished soon, so that we can work together to light the world with electricity. Jia you! 8)
What is your name? Where do you live? That’s the common questions when someone ask to know who you are. Then, you’ll answer it to them, right!? Actually, the place that we stay, which we grew with our parents since we was kid until now, curved many stories. Here i would like to tell you, how precious home is. Take a look around first before you continue reading my article. Ok!
Yeah, you see outside there many people didn’t have home, many people live under the bridges, slums and those are things that we should think. Nowadays, sociality needs to make our living environment better. If we keep to ignored them, it can make the situation in our environment become worse. Well, back to my point compare it to your home. How looks like your home now? I believe, many electronic things has been put in your home such as, tv, dvd player, refrigerator, air conditioner, bedroom, bathroom with bathtube and shower and so on. If you feel hungry, you just open the refrigerator then take some foods, if you feel hot you just turn on the air conditioner the you’ll cool, if you fell tired you just lying on your soft bed. Wow, amazing! Everything so simple and flexible. I think everyone wants that, to make their life easier.
Although those points are not same with your home, but never mind. That’s only example, even my home that i staying now with my family so far from luxurious home like that. My father was built the home many years ago and now we still living in that home, simple home but many stories had been carved inside there. He work so hard to build that home, save money and finally his dream had been come true. Then, until now that simple home which my father built still standing covering us from wind, sunshine, rain, storm, distrees and so on. Happy life for whom stay there!
Do you know, although my room in my dormitory is bigger than my room in my home, luxurious than room in my home. But, I always wanted to go back to my home is each weekend because I feel so comfortable in my home. Home is where i wanted to go, i still remember when i was in china, i got homesick so deeply. Always wondering to finish the study schedule and back to home soonly.
On the other hand, you should to be happy having home right now, gathering with your beloved family everyday. I wish, someday i can build a luxurious home in the future then i will show it to my family, so all my family’s member can stay there, i hope they will be proud and happy to see my effort to get a better life in the future. Amin.